Oct 10, 2011

Guys that tell you the entire plot of a movie...

No need to see that film.  There’s that guy at the bar you befriended after a couple of beers, that will without a doubt, tell you everything you need to know, frame by frame, word for word.   

You thought you were cool when you mentioned you’re a film buff.  You overheard him say something about John Carpenter, so you interjected in an attempt to sound well-versed. 

“Halloween is an excellent film, probably the greatest thriller ever.”

“I agree man! Actually have you seen….”    That’s it, you’re done.  Forever locked into film content with the slightly overweight Sam Adams guy at your local pub.  A guaranteed ten minute stop and chat about a flic you’ll never see.  You never know when he’s done talking because every sentence ends with, “It was just great, you gotta see it.” 

“Yeah man, I’ll check it out.”  You inch towards the jukebox…

“And then he comes back from being buried, and he says like, he says like 'You won’t ever kill me' or maybe it’s, no, that’s right, that’s what he says.”  You nod while thinking to yourself,

“This guy has no idea that he’s gotta go.”

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