Oct 14, 2011

Guys that smoke a vapor cigarette at a bar

One of the toughest habits to break is smoking cigarettes, no doubt about it, but a vapor cigarette at a bar, while talking to an attractive young lady?  Come on buddy, you’re better than this.  How many times do you think you’ve said, ‘This things wild.  It’s really helping me out though.  I gotta tell ya’.

And the vapor cigarette holder?  For crying out loud, you look like a madam holding a sting operation in the 1920’s, silly guy.  Go in the bathroom with that nonsense, or outside with the rest of the smokers.  You’re still one of them, they’ll understand, believe me.  They’ll make fun of you when you go back inside, but they’ll understand.

I have a friend who used to be addicted to strip clubs.  He’s fine now.  Needless to say, he’s not rolling up to bars with a blow-up doll.

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