Oct 22, 2011

Guy Who Parks Where Ever He Wants Guy

Holy Pumpkin Spiced Latte Batman!  There he is again!  It's The Guy Who Parks Where Ever He Wants Guy! 

On the yellow curb?  Sure, why not?  In front of the dumpster where employees empty the trash?  Yes sir.  Twelve feet past the last legal spot where customers conveniently pass through (or inconveniently now that you've decided to land your Passat there)?  Whatever works right guy?  Your world, your rules, your German automobile and your caffeine fix, top priority pal.  We should have known, silly us.

Look for this impatient specimen of a human to rock his hazards, double parked, while getting a sandwich on a busy street; make hard rights without using his turn signal, and drive fifty in a residential area. The worst.

Congrats 'Park Where Ever You Want Guy', you get a 4 / 5 on our Gotta Go Spector Scale!

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