Nov 5, 2011

The Off-putting Facebook Guy

We know these guys.  Cyber animals with “The Hangover” humor.  You better believe they're posting pictures of MILFS, photo-shopped genitalia, handicap jokes, STD one-liners, and shock value web-clips on your wall to all.

Now, they're even tagging you in status updates, i.e. 'What a crazy night with Jimmy Franta from Applebees.  We got smashed after work!'  Thanks for that buddy.  Just in case we need to click on Applebees page, and say, "Hey, this is Applebees page."

You unfriend them, you get an e-mail that reads, "Hey, dude, did something happen on Facebook? I don’t think we’re friends anymore.”  If you delete their posts, you’ll get an awkward glance upon your next interaction, followed by a, "Sup dude".  No way out.

Unless of course, you prevent everyone from posting anything...except when your birthday comes around. 

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